Brand Marketing Solutions

A brand is the expression of the business in the marketplace

We have all your bases covered from long-term brand building, tactical strategy, marketing mix blueprints, through to digital marketing. Skilled marketing is a key part of the machine that drives revenue and growth, let us help you leverage your brand with the right integrated marketing strategy.

We work with you, using an agile methodology to ensure you have the right strategy, right content, to the right audience, at the right time, through the right channels, whether it be promotions, advertising, media, design or digital marketing.

97% of purchasing decisions are starting on the internet…less than 6% are happening on the internet
Source: Spencer Spinnell, Dir of Emerging Platforms: Google

Source: Brinker, Scott: Hacking Marketing

Good strategy provides direction and alignment of resources, accurate implementation then delivers profitability.

Strategy is a key part of the machine that drives revenue and growth. Capstone{UX} has an understanding of how technology and brand leverage business strategy to drive profitability. With a collaboration of expert technical, creative and business professionals to implement this across a diverse range of industries.

Post Covid-19 businesses need to adjust pricing and promotions based on new data; reallocating spending to proven growth sources; reskilling the marketing and sales force to support remote selling; creating flexible payment terms; digitizing channels; and automating processes to free up sales representatives to sell more. Once identified, these measures need to be rigorously prioritized to reflect their impact on earnings and the company’s ability to execute quickly.


Reveal and strengthen
your customer-centric


Right price your product
to leverage value


Develop channels
that best resonate with
your customers needs


Customer-centric integrated marketing communications to leverage customer value

Customer Value Optimisation

Powerful tactical ‘customer getting strategy’ that also creates longer-term brand traction across the business when used consistently throughout the marketing mix

Customer Acquisition

Marketing is the key to customer acquisition to deliver on profitability. Get proven plans for guaranteed traffic and a system for acquiring customers

Email Marketing

Advanced email marketing strategies to monetize email lists. Win back customers and increase overall engagement. Email marketing has shown to have a 122% ROI as part of the digital marketing strategy


Our step-by-step
process to make more sales
and more importantly,
profit from your


SEO to optimise content, so it will show up when customers are searching for the information businesses have written about…technical SEO methods and tactics you can use to help improve your rankings without sacrificing your user’s experience

Analytics & Data

Unleash the power
of your data –
leverage business intelligence
in meaningful ways

Optimisation & Testing

Work smarter,
not harder using
our team of
digital experts

Social & Community

Proven strategy for creating and growing a thriving online community that impacts your business’ bottom line, lets track, measure and (more importantly) monetizing social media together

Use our sounding board service, to turn the complex into simple 

Talk to us Talk to us


Virtually making BRANDS come to life


Arnold Clark

Effective digital marketing involves getting the right content, to the right audience, at the right time, through the right channels and that’s exactly what Colin and his team help us do by working with us to improve our business’ online presence
Group Head of Marketing, Arnold Clark

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The 2019 redevelopment and redesign of the KAS website, a private educational institution offering pre-kindy to secondary school studies, focused on improving their brand identity, functionality and user eXperience.

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